Icons next to Item, Champion, Spell text
under review
Automatically add next to every text that names a champion, skill, spell ect an icon that is related with the text. On top of the icon it can have an x button incase the creator doesn't want to display in some sections.
This would make the guide more aesthetically appealing, it can get boring tiring and even boring reading a big pile of text. :)
Merged in a post:
Clickable Picture urls
It would be nice if we could make pictures that we can embend urls to in case we need to link something specific. Jax adding links works but if i try to add the image i want it embended to for ex [](https://www.tacter.com/lol/guides/jax-s14-full-top-guide-patch-143-cc601d92)
it just doesnt show anything in the preview.
under review
Santiago Arraz
Feedback provided by Millhiore:
seria increible que al hacer hover sobre alguna palabras estas palabras puedan anclarse para hacer brillar o marcar el recuadro del item en cuestion
entiendo que no es importante pero le da un toco muy cool si se pudiera hacer esto, no todos los jugadores conocen muy bien los nombres de los item en ingles o viseversa